Week 12, 2024 August 3rd – 9th

Another week here at Jim and Julie’s Wabaskang Camp has come and gone so let’s update all our friends on how the fishing was. Our guests are still struggling to catch good numbers of the smaller “eater” sized walleyes. The fish are still hiding in the weeds and have had a phenomenal amount of food to gorge themselves on this season. We have seen enormous bug hatches and an unusually high number of baitfish in the lake this season and most of the feeding is happening early mornings and late evenings so it makes for tough fishing during the day. Our guests are using a jig and minnow or crawler combination to catch enough to eat and also releasing the big fish that need to be returned to the lake. Many of the “giant” walleyes this week were actually caught in the weeds using enormous musky baits. Tim Wuethrich released a pair of 26” walleyes and his ever-joyful son Logan released a chunky 26 1/2” walleye. Ed Taylor fished solo this week but he still caught some nice fish, his biggest walleye released was a chunky 25 1/2” brute. The biggest walleye of the week was caught and released by Tyler Maas, he was using a spinner rig and minnow when he hooked into a beautiful 29” walleye, a few quick pictures and his trophy was released to give another young fisherman a thrill of a lifetime, great job Tyler.

Our northern fishing continues to impress our guests. Big musky baits and soft bodied tube baits caught plenty of trophy sized fish. A spinner rig or jig and minnow also brought in plenty of the toothy critters. Darlene Katzung released a nice 33 1/2” northern she caught while trolling one of her husband Genes homemade spinner rigs—can’t reveal the color that’s a secret😀, Evan Neihouser released a chunky 39” brute, Eddie Taylor trolled deep water with a giant soft bodied musky bait and caught and released a beautiful 36 1/2” northern, small by his standards. The big winner of the week was Logan Wuethrich, he not only buried a giant Suick hook in his hand but also managed to release three 39” monster northern this week, hope your healing up Logan.

Bass fishing was good this week with top water baits doing the most damage. Tim Wuethrich started things off when he released two 18 1/2” bass, Ken Hartling managed to catch and release a chunky 18” bass in spite of having his son Jason in the boat. The big bass of the week was caught by our friend Logan Wuethrich, he released a massive 19” bass.

No crappies to report this week but I guarantee next week we will have big numbers to talk about when fishing phenomenon Mike Pease returns to camp😀.

Remember to have your boats clean and dry with the plugs removed before leaving home and heading to Canada, invasive species are a real problem and the border officials are checking to see if live wells and boats are clean. We are looking forward to the great weather in the forecast and it’s almost time to start painting a few cabins 😩 that’s all for now this is Jim from Wabaskang. 

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