Hello again from Jim and Julie’s Wabaskang Camp. Week number four of the 2017 season has come and gone and we have plenty of interesting things to chat about. First of all, the weather has turned cool and wet with plenty of wind thrown in as an added bonus. We saw wind gusts over 60 mph on Saturday which made even the best boat operators second guess leaving the dock. Of course, the few anglers that headed off to the big lake did extremely well on huge northern. A big bait could be trolled or casted along the wind-swept shorelines where the giant toothy critters were looking for an easy meal. Marty Bremer was back in camp this week and he had drawn the short straw and was stuck fishing with my brother “Big Mike”. Marty landed and released a chunky 38” northern that was almost immediately crushed by Jordon Hansen’s 41” beauty, a Sandcat bait trolled along the weed line was the ticket for these two big brutes, Jordon was also fishing with “Minnie Me” Mike at the time. Yes, my brother did manage to land and released an old, blind, and diseased 42” northern which was quickly crushed by newcomer, and I am proud to say my neighbor back home in Iowa, Brody Williams, Brody released a gigantic 421/2” northern to win the free hat and show “Big Mike” what a real fisherman can do! Too bad so sad Mike. Our walleye fishing was solid during week four as well. Most fish were caught in less than 12’ of water and a jig or spinner rig tipped with a minnow or worm was the best technique to use. Jess Wilson started things off with a chunky 23” walleye that made her brother Sam a bit envious, Dale Wilson quickly crushed Jess’s dream of a free hat when he landed and released a 24” walleye. Quinn Edeker along with father Dan and buddy Nate left the cabin just long enough to catch and release a chunky 26” walleye, in all fairness he would have been able to fish longer hours on the lake if Dan’s boat and motor wasn’t always needing repairs. Dave Schaller was back in camp for his second trip this season and Keynote Lake was good to him, he released a beautiful 27” walleye to fight another day, great job Dave, see you next year. The walleye king for week four was one of the youngest anglers in camp, Trenton Thiel made his mom and grandpa proud when he caught and released a 281/4” walleye, once again Keynote produced the big brute, hey Trenton maybe you can let my brother Mike tag along with you next season so he can learn a few things. Bass fishing slowed somewhat after three weeks of incredible fishing, the spawning period is all but over and the big bass are dispersing to slightly deeper water to recover. Most bass were caught on twister tails and small Mepps Spinners, Craig Codner made the board with his mystery 21” bass, it was released after a quick measurement that may or may not have been an accurate measurement, most likely not accurate knowing Craig like I do! A few nice crappies were caught this week in Keynote Lake with Kim Thiel’s 12” being the biggest. Heather Voster’s claim to fame this week was her 12 1/4” perch, not bad for a young lady that calls Wyoming her home now. Next week looks like more wet and cool weather. I’ll wrap things up for now, this is Jim from Wabaskang.